The rise of ‘trendy’ diets

Trends within the food industry tend to change every year; many following top Hollywood actors or pop stars. Celebrities have been known to try everything to lose weight, from eating mini meals every few hours to completely cutting out one food group altogether. While it may seem that most ‘trend’ diets are helpful for losing weight, some could be denying dieters of the most important nutrients and vitamins and, as a result, might be doing more harm than good.

A lot of the trends, including the mini meal diet, involve eating cheap carbohydrate loaded foods at regular intervals, or even cutting out meats from your diet completely. However, meat is not always the reason for weight gain, and only certain types contain high amounts of fat.

Many nutritionists are avid promoters of the Palaeolithic diet, which involves eating fish, grass fed meats, vegetables, fruits and nuts. Often called the ‘caveman diet’ because the origin of each food type is ultimately nature, it is based on the idea that we are adapted to this diet due to tradition.

One of the main food types of this diet is grass fed meat. It contains less saturated fat than other types of meat and also provides healthy fatty acids. Unlike other types of meat, grass fed meat does not contain unnatural chemicals; the animals have instead been raised healthily on their natural food.

Not only can grass fed meats form part of an extremely healthy and nutritious diet, they can also be readily sourced from online butchers.

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